#º×  – th restless ・



out of all of the scenarios naeun had imagined, this was not one of them– why you might wonder? well first, she didn’t like group dates and this time her friends had tricked her into joining one, it was tiresome being the bait they used to trick boys to these things because naeun knew that was her role, the bait– she was allowed to leave whenever she just had to show up but this time was different, the boys that had joined were new faces and naeun could feel their gazes her… all of the gazes except one.

when she had entered the room almost an hour ago, she had immediately noticed him– the boy that had rejected her over two years ago. when she was a pure-hearted high school girl, at she had first laid her eyes on him and one thing lead to another… she was rejected by the very same boy that now was sitting across from her and naeun couldn’t help but glare at him from time to time.

meanwhile, the males on his side were eager to get her contact information or her instagram handle, he was sitting there smug as ever– smiling at girls. nothing frustrated naeun more, he didn’t even seem to recognize her and that had hurt her pride just a little.

“naeun ah~,” one of the older males wanted her attention and she stopped glaring at the male ( she didn’t even know his name to be frank, never learned it– she had never gotten that far before he rejected her ), an awkward smile was directed at the male as he attempted to pour her another drink but she covered the top of her glass with her hand, “no thank you.”

fingers tap against the glass, listening idly to the conversations going at his side. there wasn’t much to contribute and he wasn’t much of the talker-type when it came to these situations. if he gave too much, jaemin could only imagine the consequence and as somehow who very much did not like coming to these types of events, he did not want to enter any type of difficulty. not when he was this close to leaving. he was beyond ready to go home and just relax.

having girls in front of him, vying for his attention, while flattering – was also uncomfortable. especially when he was attracted nor was willing to find any personal connection between them. he didn’t want to lead them on – he didn’t want to be that guy. if anything, he was just there to pass the time. 

are you dating anyone, jaemin-ah?”  he can hear the over-familiarity in the girl’s voice – was it hyesung? hyejung? her name was suddenly lost on him – and it wasn’t one that he could deny. it was just one girl, by tomorrow, she’d be long forgotten and this night something he wouldn’t remember, probably. 

he shakes his head, a small smile rises politely. “no, i’m not dating anyone right now.” and he leaves it at that. the smile that he receives after his answer is one he was expecting – but it was also one he did not feel comfortable entertaining. 

and while most of the time was supposed to be peaceful, just wading time until it was time for him to leave – he didn’t think he’d feel any animosity. especially not in a place like this that was just begging for love and connection. but the sight of the girl across from him – glaring at him has him confused. enough that it ripples through his face, head tilting to the side at her expression. 

when she had covered her glass with her hand, jaemin couldn’t help but snicker at his friend. it was a low blow – especially when it had been kyungwon who had arranged this whole thing in hope of finally nabbing a girl. but of course, being kyungwon – it was obvious he wasn’t about to let one rejection get him down.

ah, c’mon naeun-ah. just one more drink. it’s the weekend!” 
